Archive for the ‘recycle’ Category

Why we need Zero Waste Week!

Last week there was a discussion on a local business forum about the best coffee maker to get for the office. Opinion was divided between…

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Waste Free Lent Week 3

Well, we are almost half way through, and I still feel an awfully long way from being waste free! Lots of people and blogs have…

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Waste Free Lent – Week 1

Just before the start of Lent, I read an interesting article inciting people to give up plastic instead of chocolate. As someone who both worries…

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Are cloth nappies really greener?

    I am frequently asked “are cloth nappies really better for the environment when you take into consideration all the energy you waste washing them?” The…

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the case for ‘pre-loved’

A friend of mine has written a very interesting blog on the case for ‘pre-loved’. Give it a read and tell me what you think. She…

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The art of refilling…

I used to hate it when a bottle of hand soap or multipurpose cleaner ran out. Although the bottles are easy to recycle, the tops,…

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